17. Abe Lincoln

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Length: {16:23 minutes}

Abraham Lincoln:

In the context of the documentary’s discussion about Abraham Lincoln, several points are made regarding his role and actions during the Civil War, especially in relation to financial policies and the broader geopolitical context:

1. Jackson and the Central Bank:

  • The documentary notes that even though President Andrew Jackson successfully dismantled the Second Bank of the United States, he didn’t completely eliminate the practice of fractional reserve banking, which continued to destabilize the economy through numerous state-chartered banks.

2. Economic Instability and Expansion:

  • Despite the economic instability caused by fractional reserve banking, America experienced significant growth and expansion westward during the years leading up to the Civil War. Central bankers, however, sought to regain control and saw war as a means to create debt and dependency.

3. Civil War Origins:

  • The documentary suggests that while slavery was a cause of the Civil War, it was not the primary one. It argues that Lincoln, who initially had no intention of abolishing slavery where it existed, emphasized preserving the Union over the issue of slavery. This stance is supported by his inaugural address and subsequent statements.

4. Economic Factors and Tariffs:

  • Northern industrialists’ use of protective tariffs prevented Southern states from buying cheaper European goods, which led to Europe stopping cotton imports from the South. This created a financial bind for the South, contributing to the tensions that led to the war.

5. European Influence and Conspiracy:

  • The documentary posits that European financial powers sought to divide the United States to prevent it from becoming too economically independent. Otto von Bismarck, the Chancellor of Germany, is quoted as acknowledging this plan, emphasizing the threat a united and economically independent America posed to European financial dominance.

6. International Maneuvers During the Civil War:

  • During the Civil War, European powers like France and Great Britain took actions that threatened the Union. Napoleon III of France sought to exploit the conflict by seizing Mexico, while Britain moved troops to Canada, indicating a broader strategy to weaken the United States.

7. Lincoln’s Financial Strategy:

  • Faced with exorbitant loan offers from New York bankers, Lincoln turned to the idea of issuing government-backed currency. His solution was the issuance of “greenbacks,” currency printed by the federal government to finance the war without incurring debt or high-interest costs. This move was revolutionary and threatened the established financial order.

8. Reaction from Central Bankers:

  • The issuance of greenbacks was met with hostility from international bankers. An editorial in the London Times expressed concern that if such a policy succeeded, it would undermine the financial power of European bankers and threaten monarchies worldwide.

The documentary portrays Lincoln as a leader who not only fought to preserve the Union but also challenged the financial status quo, which had broader implications for American sovereignty and independence from European financial interests.

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