4. The Goldsmiths

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Length {4:40 minutes}

The chapter on the Goldsmiths delves into the historical manipulation of money by money changers, illustrating that such practices predate Jesus’s time.

Around 200 years before Christ, Rome faced significant issues with money changers. Efforts by early Roman emperors to curb the power of money changers through reforms of Usury laws and land ownership limits resulted in their assassinations. Julius Caesar later reclaimed the authority to mint money from the money changers, creating a more abundant money supply which he used to fund substantial public works projects. This move won Caesar the favor of the common people but incurred the wrath of the money changers, potentially contributing to his assassination.

Following Caesar’s death, Rome saw a decline in its money supply, leading to increased taxes and corruption. The money supply was eventually reduced by 90%, causing widespread loss of land and homes among the populace, reminiscent of contemporary America. This economic decline eroded public confidence in the Roman government, leading to a refusal to support it, which ultimately contributed to Rome’s descent into the Dark Ages.

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2. The Money Changers

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Length: {1:14 minutes}

To understand the magnitude of the problem, we need to look back at Europe and the historical role of money changers. These money changers were referenced by James Madison and were even mentioned in the Bible, where Jesus drove them out of the temple. This event marked the only time Jesus used force in his ministry.

Money changers were in the temple because Jews coming to Jerusalem for the Temple tax had to pay with a specific coin, the half-shekel of the sanctuary. This coin was a half-ounce of pure silver and the only coin acceptable to God, as it was free from the image of a pagan emperor. However, these coins were scarce because the money changers had monopolized them, driving up their price to make exorbitant profits. This exploitation violated the sanctity of God’s house, according to Jesus.

To understand the magnitude of the problem, we need to look back at Europe and the historical role of money changers. These money changers were referenced by James Madison and were even mentioned in the Bible, where Jesus drove them out of the temple. This event marked the only time Jesus used force in his ministry.

Money changers were in the temple because Jews coming to Jerusalem for the Temple tax had to pay with a specific coin, the half-shekel of the sanctuary. This coin was a half-ounce of pure silver and the only coin acceptable to God, as it was free from the image of a pagan emperor. However, these coins were scarce because the money changers had monopolized them, driving up their price to make exorbitant profits. This exploitation violated the sanctity of God’s house, according to Jesus.

Money changers were in the temple because Jews coming to Jerusalem for the Temple tax had to pay with a specific coin, the half-shekel of the sanctuary. This coin was a half-ounce of pure silver and the only coin acceptable to God, as it was free from the image of a pagan emperor. However, these coins were scarce because the money changers had monopolized them, driving up their price to make exorbitant profits. This exploitation violated the sanctity of God’s house, according to Jesus.

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1. Intro

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Length: {10:38 minutes}

Let me take you through a one month journey to learn unkown facts about history, which may let you see our current monetary system as an abritrary creation which may be changed.

To read the chapters will take you on average a minute; and if you don’t like reading, you find the entire information in the video below.

Bill Still discusses various economic issues in America, including rising debt, inflation, and the struggle of families to make ends meet. It attributes these problems to the Federal Reserve, describing it as a private, for-profit bank that controls the nation’s money supply, rather than a government entity.

The video argues that this system, established in 1913, prioritizes the profits of private stockholders over public interest. Historical figures like Charles Lindbergh and Barry Goldwater have criticized the Federal Reserve for its lack of transparency and its powerful influence over the economy.

The intro suggests that reforming the banking system, rather than focusing on the size of the national debt, is essential for addressing these economic issues.

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but the videos in the index below will also end correctly.