23. World War I
Length: {7:21 minutes}
Chapter 23 “World War I” discusses the centralization of power and the significant role of financial interests in the war. It highlights how major banking families, such as the Rothschilds, loaned money to various nations involved in the war, including Germany, Britain, and France. JP Morgan, based in America, acted as a key agent in supplying war materials to Britain and France, becoming the largest consumer on Earth during the early months of the war.
The chapter argues that for these financial elites, the political issues driving the war were less significant than the profit potential. It notes that wars generate enormous debts, which are profitable for banks. The text points out England’s long history of war preparations and funding through the Bank of England, emphasizing the continuity of war finance as a means of profit for financial interests.
Additionally, the chapter discusses the broader geopolitical implications, such as the Russian Revolution, which overthrew the Tsar and brought about communism. It suggests that financial support from Western banks, channeled through institutions like the Federal Reserve, played a role in fueling revolutionary movements.
Overall, the chapter paints a picture of World War I as driven not only by political and national interests but also by the financial motivations of powerful banking institutions and individuals seeking to profit from conflict and geopolitical change.
but the videos in the index below will also end correctly.
- INDEX (with correct start and stop times opening in a new window):
- 1. Intro {10:38 minutes}
- 2. The Money Changers {1:14 minutes}
- 3. Roman Empire {1:35 minutes}
- 4. The Goldsmiths {4:40 minutes}
- 5. Talley Sticks {4:55 minutes}
- 6. The Bank of England {4:20 minutes}
- 7. The Rise of the Rothschilds {5:35 minutes}
- 8. The American Revolution {6:30 minutes}
- 9. The Bank of North America {2:35 minutes}
- 10. The Constitutional Convention {2:51 minutes}
- 11. First Bank of the United States {4:20 minutes}
- 12. Napoleon’s Rise To Power {2:41 minutes}
- 13. Death of the First Bank {2:10 minutes}
- 14. Waterloo {6:05 minutes}
- 15. Second Bank of the U.S. {1:20 minutes}
- 16. Andrew Jackson {9:52 minutes}
- 17. Abe Lincoln {16:23 minutes}
- 18. The Return of the Gold Standard {10:41 minutes}
- 19. Free Silver {5:10 minutes}
- 20. J.P. Morgan and the Crash of 1907 {4:55 minutes}
- 21. Jekyll Island {11:45 minutes}
- 22. Fed Act of 1913 {11:37 minutes}
- >>23. World War I {7:21 minutes}<<
- 24. Great Depression {13:58 minutes}
- 25. FDR/WWII {13:00 minutes}
- 26. IMF/World Bank {11:51 minutes}
- 27. Conclusions {27:52 minutes}
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